• Um Kenner mit Zugriff auf den inneren Bereich zu sein, einfach alle paar Wochen einen Bericht mit mehr als 100 Wörtern schreiben!


  1. B

    what is a partytreff ?

    Hello everybody, i am new here, i am interresting to go in Saunaclub Babylon but i have a question : It's a partytreff? so i just have to pay the entrance ( 60 euros? ) and i can have sex with all girls all times i want? Thanks for help guys.
  2. S

    A Hard Days Night und Schwarzen Samstag: wie geht mann um mit stress (31/10-1/11)

    "It's been a hard day's night, and I've been working like a dog It's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log But when I get home to you. I find the things that you do Will make me feel all right You know I work all day. To get you money to buy you things And it's worth it...